
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Scary & Exciting

I've been using SparkPeople.com for tracking my calories, goals, etc. for my weight loss for a couple of weeks now. Tonight, I was playing around with the "goal weight" buttons where you input your goal weight and how many pounds a week you're trying to lose, and it calculates the date that you're expected to reach your goal weight...

And something shocking happened.

July 29, 2012. That's when I should be at my goal weight.

Sure, it's not guaranteed; it's not 100% certain that I'll lose weight at this rate the entire time. It could take longer... But at first, I thought I must have input something wrong or that I read the date wrong. Surely I can't possibly reach my goal weight this year, especially so soon! July is only 5 months away! No way I can reach my goal weight by then! Surely you mean 2013??

But no... July 29, 2012.

And you know what? That's just the motivation I needed. I can do this. It's hard now, and it's SUCH a slow process, but I can do this.

Friday, February 3, 2012

My Journey Starts Here

It's been a long journey on this road, but I need a change...

I'm beginning my weight-loss journey. Actually that journey started during the summer, but now I'm REALLY working for it.

It won't be easy. It's going to hurt sometimes. I'm going to feel like I can't go on... But I will. I must. This is for me and no one else.

I've been going to the gym three days a week and upped it to four days a week this week, and I've been getting back to counting calories and working hard to eat better. This isn't a diet; it's a lifestyle change.

I have a long way to go, but I'm willing to put in the work. I've lost about 4-5ish pounds in the four weeks that I've been going to the gym so far. It seems better to look at it there in words than to feel the numbers ever-so-slowly ticking down each week on the scale. I have to remember to look at this in the grand scheme of things instead of wishing that it could be faster, easier, etc...

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step," yes? Well, this is going to be one heck of a long, hard journey.

But I'm ready.