#1: Touched by an Angel

Gahh, I LOVE this show! There aren't many shows out there that explicitly share the message of God and His infinite love like this one does. When I'm having a bad day or just a hard time in my life in general, I like to pop in one of the DVDs into my DVD player and allow the show to uplift me. Plus, Andrew is sooo handsome and sweet, and Monica is gorgeous and freakin' adorable. I think the major reason I love Monica so much is because she's pretty much everything I want to be, all wrapped into one. I guess that shows how lofty my goals are, though, since it takes an angel to be that way. :) I remember watching this show with my grandparents when I was a wee one, and several of the episodes stuck with me through the years. I have so many "favorite" episodes of this show, but one that sticks out to me is "Seek & Ye Shall Find." This particular episode takes place in Mississippi, yet they DON'T portray us as being complete idiots (which is so rare -- but with John Dye, who plays Andrew, being from MS too, I don't think they'd do that anyway). Also, the stunningly beautiful lilt of Monica's Irish brogue carressing the word "Tupelo" (where I was born... as was Elvis. blah) just gets me every time. hehe. Monica loses her memory in this episode, and when she asks for an angel, Andrew shows up; I LOOOOVE that! And she's so attached to him in this episode. It's absolutely precious. Okay, I'm going to stop gushing now. I just adore this show so much!
#2: Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Ah, Dr. Quinn, my new love! I remember watching this show, too, with my grandparents when I was a wee one. The thing I specifically remember most about the show from when I was younger is the scene where Michaela gives birth. haha. I don't know what it is about this show that initially attracted me to watch it again this summer, because I ordinarily would never watch something like this. The single fact that it's in the Western genre is alone enough for me to snub my nose at it, but this show is different. I really love the spelling of Michaela's name. If I ever have a child and it's a girl, I want to name her Iliana/Ileana Michaela. I also like the name Quinn, too, though, so maybe Monica Quinn if I ever have a girl after that? Or maybe I should just get a pet and name it Quinn (though I really am considering Monica as a second girl's name). hah. And I have to mention the beauty that is Byron Sully... WOO, is that man gorgeous! Sexy, even. Oh man, oh man.... Oh, and Jane Seymour is extremely beautiful, too. ;D hehe.
#3: The Nanny

Yes, The Nanny. :) This is another that I remember from when I stayed with my grandparents a lot, but I didn't really get to watch this one back then because they didn't really like it. I do vividly remember seeing/hearing the theme song, though, and that made me really want to watch it. lol. But I really started watching it back in about 2005 or so. I had never sat down and watched it before then (besides as a child, of course, but like I said, I saw it so rarely that I knew nothing about it), but I definitely knew about it, because it came on Lifetime all the time when I was watching The Golden Girls (which is also one of my faves) on that channel. One day, I turned the TV to that channel because The Golden Girls was about to come on, and The Nanny was just about to go off. It was the Thanksgiving episode when Fran is pregnant and is talking about how happy she is to be married to Maxwell and be pregnant with the twins, etc. I didn't really think much of the show at the time, but that night, I had a dream about the show (which I won't get into -- this is long enough already!). That inspired me to watch the show the next day, and I fell in love with it immediately. Probably my favorite thing about the show is Niles and C.C.'s complex love/hate relationship. If you didn't know any better, you'd think they hated each others guts, but deep down, there was love there. Thankfully, they did get together in the end, but sadly, I felt that it was too rushed, and too much was crammed into that last episode. They deserve more than that! Oh well... That's what fanfiction is for, I always say! ;D
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